MENDES, T.P., SOUZA, A.O. & SILVA, M.J. 2017. A new species hidden in the lowlands of Tocantins, Brazil: Chamaecrista tocantinensis (Fabaceae). Systematic Botany, v.42, p.326–337.
MENDES, T.P., SOUZA, A.O. & SILVA, M.J. 2020. Molecular phylogeny and diversification timing of the Chamaecrista sect. Absus subsect. Absus ser. Paniculatae, a newly circumscribed and predominantly endemic of the Cerrado Biome group. Phytotaxa, v.446, n.3, p.159–182.
Chamaecrista tocantinensis T.P.Mendes & M.J.Silva was last modified: julho 8th, 2023 por Benedito Alísio da Silva Pereira